Planning: golf contents page ideas

 From looking at lots of different contents pages and the contents pages above, I have able to get a few ideas on how to present mine. From these images it is a clear that at least 1 image should be used in my contents page and it should either somewhat relate to or be part of an article so that the reader is drawn towards it and is interested by it. The contents page seemingly has large page numbers making it clear where to look. In some cases key articles are highlighted with larger images and page numbers making it clear to the reader which articles are more important than others. My idea is that I will have contents running down the side with two main images for the main articles to grab the attention of the reader. I think in this way I can improve on a format used by many of these magazines by utilising the classic style adopted by many magazines of contents being bold, easy to read but then also focusing the readers attention on the articles that will be of particular interest to many.


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