Preliminary task: How I edited my advert

To start with the photo. The setting was while playing with my friends at Wrexham Golf club. The clubs belonged to one of my friends which some of them were actually bought from the website which I find further captures the audience I was going for and also makes the image raw and honest as they are clubs you find on the website. The photograph was taken on my friends iPhone X pro and then sent to me where I put it through an image enhancer to increase quality and make it even better quality. I used Adobe Photoshop as my editing software. My first action was to brighten the image to make it more enticing to the reader so it catches the eye but still maintaining a warm, trustworthy setting so it is still attractive and professional looking. I then imported a logo of the brand Golfbidder and used the history brush tool to keep the natural background behind to keep the feel of the advert with green being a  golf related cover and also further making the advert look proper and professional. I then looked for a slogan they use and opted for one that is trustworthy. 'The home of pre - owned clubs', home making it sound enticing and trustworthy to a reader and used yellow to keep that warm feeling. I did not want to overly contrast the background with a blue or white so yellow felt like an obvious choice. I then thought to make the advert more accessible I should put in the website address to make it easier to access. 


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