Documentary pitch

 My proposal for my documentary is a sport documentary about head injuries. Some of the subjects I will be covering is concussion, the immediate effects, what effects a head injury can have on the brain later in life. I will also be covering how to prevent them in certain sports. I will show examples of them in different sports as well as having an interview with an expert to give further insight and information to the viewer. I will use classic sports documentary formats as seen in 'The test' on prime and 'drive to survive' on Netflix of showing interviews with blank background of someone and cutting away from them to clips and back to them for speech to make it nicely paced with not too much un interrupted dialogue. I believe this to be a good genre to go for in terms of it being a sport documentary as usually Sports docs tend to be viewed on an occasional basis, but there is a subset of viewers who watch frequently. Among all adults, around 1 in 4 regularly watch sports documentaries, rising to 1 in 3 of those 18-34.


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